Export/import configuration from SubSpace Navigation

By default, there is no export/import feature available for the "SubSpace Navigation for Confluence" app.


There are two technical ways as a workaround. 

  1. Use the same Request which SubSpace is using to store its navigation

    • You need to be logged in as an administrator in order to send this request.

    • The request url is  "/rest/communardo/subspace/latest/admin/navigation".

    • It will be sent as an PUT request.

    • The payload of this request contains the actual navigation data, which is a JSON object.

    • Use the browser Tools to see what subspace is sending during the navigation save.

  2. Move the data from the database directly 

    • We store the navigation JSON data in the table bandana by using the key

    • To read the navigation you could use this SELECT

      SELECT * FROM bandana WHERE bandanakey = ('de.communardo.confluence.plugins.subspace.navigationstructure')
    • If you put the data into the target system please shut down the system first which will otherwise lead to weird side effects because Confluence is doing a lot of caching hereÂ