How is it possible to search for Confluence Pages in SharePoint?

At present, the SharePoint Connector for Confluence does not offer a search feature. Nevertheless a search for Confluence (Server/DC as well as Cloud) content within SharePoint is already possible using a Raytion Enterprise Search Connector.

The Raytion Confluence Connector indexes content from Confluence Server/DC in an efficient, secure and scalable way, and provides more features to ensure the implementation of an outstanding search experience.

Image 1: Integration of Confluence results in SharePoint on-prem search (click to enlarge)

Raytion provides search Connectors for Confluence Server/DC as well as for Confluence Cloud:

Both connectors are available for SharePoint on-premise as well as for SharePoint Online.

Raytion is an expert in the field of collaboration, search and cloud. Raytion has been offering enterprise search connectors for more than 15 years, which seamlessly serve even in the most demanding and complex scenarios, like Enterprise Search, site search and cognitive search. Furthermore, Raytion is a search partner recommended by Microsoft.