This article belongs to SubSpace Plugin version 2.x


Importing Spaces does not automatically set them in the SubSpace navigation bar.


It is possible to set the parent space via HTTP Post remotely.

Use the URL: http://<Confluence_URL>/admin/subspace/changeparentspace.action
Method: POST
Request Header: Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body: parentKey=<Key_of_the_parent_space>&key=<Key_of_the_space>

To set the parent space is also possible via database but we do not recommend to change any data in the database. It is very dangerous.

Do the following steps to set the parent space:

  1. Get the id of the space description of the desired space:

     SELECT spacedescid FROM spaces WHERE spacekey='&lt;SPACE_KEY&gt;';

  2. Set the parent space key in the space description of the desired space:

    INSERT INTO os_propertyentry (entity_name, entity_id, entity_key, 
    key_type, boolean_val, double_val, string_val, text_val, long_val, 
    int_val, date_val) VALUES 
     INTO os_propertyentry (entity_name, entity_id, entity_key, key_type, 
    boolean_val, double_val, string_val, text_val, long_val, int_val, 
    date_val) VALUES 

  3. Reset the application cache in the Confluence administration

    1. via "Confluence Admin" => "ADMINISTRATION" => "Cache Statistics" => "Flush All"

    2. via URL: http://<Confluence_URL>/admin/cachestatistics.action => "Flush All"

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