There is some profile data, which I would like to fetch for a large number of users. How can I fetch the data in scripts for several users?


Java API or Groovy Script

It is possible to access profile data through the Java API or with Adaptavist ScriptRunner for Jira. For details please have a look at our .

Alternative Workaround (before version 2.2.0)

This is what you can do at the moment:

  1. create a project where each user who you are interested in is, e.g, the assignee of an individual issue (or the reporter or another single user picker field)

  2. add a User Profile custom field to each issue that provides the user profile field of the assignee (or reporter, ...) that you are interested in by following the instructions in our documentation

  3. use your script to fetch the data from that field for each issue/userĀ 

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