Adjusting Logging Level for Communardo plugins
To analyze a support case for our apps, support might ask you to adjust the logging level for a certain logger/package. The way to do this differs based on the Atlassian product you want to adjust logging for.
Adding logging for a package of a Confluence App
See "Add logging for an additional class or package" in the Atlassian Documentation about changing the logging configuration.
Use the package and log level provided by our support.
Adding logging for a package of a Jira App
See Temporarily changing the logging level at the Atlassian documentation to find the logging configuration.
Find the "Default Loggers" section and click "Configure"
In the overlay add the new package by using the package and log level provided by our support.
Adding logging for a package of a Bitbucket App
You have to use a terminal command for Bitbucket to configure logging at runtime.
See Enabling debug logging at runtime in the Atlassian documentation for examples.
Use the package and log level provided by our support with the example terminal command for the "specific logger"