Export/import configuration from SubSpace Navigation
By default, there is no export/import feature available for the "SubSpace Navigation for Confluence" app.
There are two technical ways as a workaround.
Use the same Request that SubSpace is using to store its navigation
You need to be logged in as an administrator in order to send this request.
The requested url is "/rest/communardo/subspace/latest/admin/navigation".
It will be sent as a PUT request.
The payload of this request contains the actual navigation data, which is a JSON object.
Use the browser Tools to see what subspace is sending during the navigation save.
Move the data from the database directly
We store the navigation JSON data in the table bandana by using the key
To read the navigation you could use this SELECT
SELECT * FROM bandana WHERE bandanakey = ('de.communardo.confluence.plugins.subspace.navigationstructure')
If you put the data into the target system please shut down the system first which will otherwise lead to weird side effects because Confluence is doing a lot of caching here