(blue star) Problem

The custom fields for issues in one or more projects are not synchronized, but in some they are.

(blue star) Cause

User Profiles for Jira has no Edit issues permission on the projects to update the custom fields.

(blue star) Solution

Grant the necessary permissions to User Profiles for Jira. To achieve this you have the following options:

By implementing any of the methods, User Profiles for Jira will have the required permissions to effectively update custom fields on issues, which is essential for meeting the needs of User Profiles for Jira and ensuring smooth functionality of it.

If you do not want certain projects to be synchronized, you can remove the custom fields from the projects via the context setting of the specific custom field. More about that topic you will find in the documentation: https://communardo-products.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UPFJC/pages/9666836/Custom+field+configuration#Constrain-custom-fields-via-contexts .

If this doesn't help, please contact us by raising a support request.