This behavior is expected if you don’t have a valid license anymore. If you are an administrator and want to check if you have a valid license you can either navigate to the configuration of our User Profiles for Jira app by following the steps here or you navigate to “Manage apps” in the Jira administration. You can get there by going to Jira settings > Apps

Afterwards there should be a navigation link called “Manage apps” in the left sidebar. If you click on that one and expand the “User Profiles for Jira” app, you should be able to tell if the license is valid or not.

If you are a user and don’t have access to the license status of the app, please ask your administrator to check that first.

If your license is valid and you are sure that the value shouldn’t be the one displayed and its more then 24 hours without a change of the value, please contact us by raising a support request.