
Daily at a specific time, for example 1 am, the CPU load is higher than 50 % most of the time.

The following appears in the atlassian-confluence.log

2015-08-07 01:11:00,012 INFO [scheduler_Worker-1] [userprofile.synchronization.modules.LDAPUserDataSyncJob] doExecute Starting job based synchronization for all LDAP users.
2015-08-07 03:03:43,366 WARN [scheduler_Worker-1] [confluence.util.profiling.DurationThresholdWarningTimingHelperFactory] logMessage Execution time for publishing event de.communardo.confluence.plugins.userprofile.synchronization.modules.LDAPUserDataSyncFinishedEvent[source=de.communardo.confluence.plugins.userprofile.synchronization.modules.LDAPUserDataSyncJob@3414c2d5] took 2735638 ms (warning threshold is 5000 ms)
2015-08-07 03:03:43,367 INFO [scheduler_Worker-1] [userprofile.synchronization.modules.LDAPUserDataSyncJob] doExecute Finished job based synchronization for all LDAP users.


This behavior is caused by a CSV export which is automatically written after the nightly synchronization of the User Profiles for Confluence app.


If you do not need the automatic nightly export, there is a workaround to mitigate that problem:

  • go to the user data export configuration via Administration > Users & Security - User Profile Configuration  > Export

  • at "Filter" enter a phrase which will cause to filter out every user for the export

    • example phrase "filterWhichCausesExportToBeEmpty"

  • Click "Save"

That will cause the nightly export to finish instantly and prevent the high load over a longer period of time.

If you need the export, or need assistance with the workaround, please contact our support.

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