User case: you want to add part of the user profile information of a user (e.g. the reporter) to JIRA's (NOT Service Desk's ) notification mails.
To achieve this, you need to create a new custom field for the profile field, e.g. telephone number, and add that custom field to an email template. So, please try this:
- Create a new User Profile Field for the reporter's telephone number, as described in our product documentation.
- Update or create a new email template, as described in Atlassian's documentation Add the newly created custom field to the email template of your choice, as described in Atlassian's developer documentation.
The important code snippets are (remember to insert your own custom field ID):- The field's name: $issue.getCustomField("customfield_10000").name
- The field's value: $issue.getCustomFieldValue("customfield_10000")
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