What data does SubSpace Navigation for Confluence Cloud track?

SubSpace Navigation for Confluence Cloud is seriously concerned about protecting users by addressing potential privacy concerns. We will monitor only user interactions inside the application. The collected data will be securely stored in the Microsoft Azure Cloud environment, and they will be retained for 31 days. In addition, it is important to mention that our plugin will not process user data but rather analyze those data to get enough insights to improve the user experience.

SubSpace Navigation for Confluence Cloud will never collect Confluence user ID, page ID, space key or SubSpace Navigation item titles/alternative titles. We strongly believe in user anonymity on the World Wide Web, and will make sure not to store any user's personal identification information.

Specifically, the following data will be tracked and further analyzed by our application:

  • Navigation flow of the administrator user in our application while configuring the navigation.

  • How often does the administrator interact with the configuration dialog.

  • Only the item type used to configure the navigation structure.

  • Menu visibility options.

  • Errors that may occur during the application usage.

  • Different user button/icon click interactions within the application.

  • Browser type and version.

Data tracking is enabled by default. The user will always have the possibility to toggle this option according to their needs. An administrator user can opt-out from this option while configuring the application by going to the “Preferences” tab and toggle the option “Allow app data tracking” accordingly.

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