Filter Profile list macro

I want to filter the profile list macro but it doesn't work.


Generally, we use the Lucene query syntax for the search criteria in the User Profiles for Confluence app. It does unfortunately not work as intuitively as the Confluence Query Syntax. Besides the documentation that I just linked, we have added some examples in the extended search part of the documentation.

To exclude profiles with NOT (or !), you need a positive term first. For example, if you want to exclude the department sales:

 Department:[a TO zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz] NOT Department:"Sales"

The first term shows profiles with all departments. A similar query can be used for fields with text in them. If it's numbers, use "0" instead of "a" at the beginning.

If your search term contains several words, use "...":

Department:"Team Accounting"

For further examples, please have a look at our documentation and the related articles below.