Evaluate and resolve Confluence configuration test results (SharePoint on-premise)

Evaluate and resolve Confluence configuration test results (SharePoint on-premise)

Successful run of the configuration test

After a successful run of the configuration test, it should look like this:

Image 1: Successful run of the configuration test (click to enlarge)


In case errors occur, potential problems, their causes, and possible solutions are listed below.

Potential problems and causes

Problem regarding "Confluence Base Url" 

This could be provoked by the following causes:

  1. The Confluence URL specified under Confluence Administration > General configuration > Site configuration > Server Base URL does not conform with the given URL in the browser.

  2. The Confluence URL does not start with "HTTPS": The SharePoint Connector for Confluence requires Confluence to be called over HTTPS.

Problem regarding "Local Storage" 

This message is displayed if cookies are not allowed in the currently used browser. Check cookie settings in your browser.

An indicated problem does not definitely mean that the SharePoint Connector for Confluence won't work properly.


Consider that other browsers would possibly yield other results. This applies in particular to browsers on the end user machines.

Problem regarding "Get Access token for SharePoint" 

This problem could be caused by one of the following:

  • URL to SharePoint is not correct or SharePoint is not reachable.

  • The user is not logged in to SharePoint.

    • In this case, a login dialog should pop up directly in the "Save and check" process. 

    • Entering the correct credentials and clicking "ok" should solve the problem. (If the credentials are not correct the login dialog will appear anew.)

    • Clicking "Cancel" in the login dialog will cause the problem.


Try accessing SharePoint in the browser (use the same URL that is specified under "SharePoint URL" above). Log in to SharePoint.

Problem regarding "Search Sites" 

This problem could be caused by one of the following:

  1. Incorrect firewall settings

  2. The user currently logged in to SharePoint does not have sufficient permissions. The user needs to have at least visitor permission for at least one site collection.


Problem regarding "Search Lists" respectively "Search Documents"

This problem could be caused by one of the following:

  1. Incorrect firewall settings

  2. The user currently logged in to SharePoint does not have sufficient permissions. The user needs to have at least read permission to at least one list respectively document.


Problem regarding "Load List" respectively "Load Document"

This problem could be caused by one of the following:

  1. Inappropriate firewall settings

  2. The user currently logged in to SharePoint does not have sufficient permissions. The user needs to have at least read permission to at least one list respectively document.


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