Recurring login prompts in Internet Explorer (although you are already logged in)

Recurring login prompts in Internet Explorer (although you are already logged in)


This problem can occur if you use the SharePoint Connector for Confluence for a SharePoint Online (Office 365) tenant together with Internet Explorer.

It can occur in the SharePoint web part as well as in the Confluence list and document macros.

The behavior of the SharePoint web part

The login prompt in the SharePoint web part is displayed again and again (if you click on Refresh) although you are sure you are already logged in to Confluence (in the same browser window):

Image 1: Recurring login prompt in SharePoint web part (click to enlarge)


Behavior of the Confluence macro

The login prompt in the Confluence macro is displayed (although you are sure you are already logged in to SharePoint Online in the same browser window). If you click on Login, a popup with a redirect to Confluence is shown, but the authorization doesn't seem to work and the dialog is empty:

Image 2: Empty redirect popup from Confluence macro (click to enlarge)

After closing the empty popup dialog, the login prompt in the Confluence macro is still displayed:

Image 3: Recurring login prompt in Confluence macro (click to enlarge)


Potential cause and solution

Most likely this problem is caused by an incorrect configuration of security zones in your Internet Explorer. For a detailed explanation see O365 Internet Explorer Protected Mode and security zones.

To solve the problem correct the security zones configuration in Internet Explorer:

Add at least the following domains to the same security zone in Internet Explorer (preferably "Trusted Sites"):

  • your SharePoint Online tenant domain: yourtenant.sharepoint.com (for example contoso.sharepoint.com)

  • your Confluence domain (for example confluence.contoso.com)

  • https://login.microsoftonline.com

It is recommended to add these domains as well, therefore please add them also:

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