How to upgrade from ADAL to MSAL 2.0 (Server/DC) SharePoint Online

Authentication Upgrade

New enhanced security has been introduced to the SharePoint Connector for Confluence. After updating to SharePoint Connector for Confluence App version 1.10.x, the old AzureAD application registration will not be able to authenticate with the existing configuration. Therefore, in order to use the app and the new enhanced authentication mechanism after updating to version 1.10.x, you need to take the following steps.


Azure AD account with administration permissions

Azure App registration changes

The subsequent modifications will enable you to utilize the new MSAL 2.0 authentication mechanism for your AzureAD application. Thus, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your exiting app registration and then go to the Authentication tab

    1. Click on “Add a platform” and select “Single-page application”

      Change platform configuration to the new value (click to enlarge)

    2. Enter the new redirect url “https://<your confluence domain>/plugins/servlet/csi/auth-helper” and click on “Configure”

  2. New Redirect URI configured

    1. You should now have a new redirect URL specified under the Single-page application URLs

  3. Remove old Redirect URIs


  4. Disable implicit flow

    Since we have now switched to the new MSAL library, we need to disable Implicit grant and hybrid flows by unchecking “Access tokens” and “ID tokens”.

Issue with loading macros after update

In some instances, outdated data may be cached in your browser, preventing the use of the latest file versions. In this situation, clearing the browser cache or pressing CTRL + F5 could be beneficial.


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